Wednesday, April 4, 2012


hey all you titan fans!  well i have never written on this thingy majiggy so i thought today is as good as any day to give it a whirl.  but here is the problem i have really absolutely nothing to write about... like at all... its kinda awkward. school is amazingly fun (i am done in two weeks from today!!!). i have no love life, wait sorry actually i have a boyfriend and his name is victor (aka vicky) he is some smokin hot stuff if you ask me... and my family is great.  
i seriously cant believe this semester is almost over!  this year has gone by so freakin fast.  it seems like just yesterday we were walking down the halls of good old Olympus talking about what we were all going to do after graduation.  its just crazy.  
this past year of college has taught me so much.  
 what is (nothing) and is not (everything) edible at the cannon center
how to persuade the krispy kreme doughnut man david to give you 12 free doughnuts
that the freshman 15 is no myth
how to get out of my dorm not in honor code
what supplies are needed to sleep in a park
how to do my own laundry
how to make the best music videos on photo booth
 how easy it is to stay up all night 
and how impossibly hard it is to go to class the next day 
but most importantly i learned how grateful i am for all of my friends- the people i meet never are up to the standards you all have set 
 i miss you all and i cant wait to reunited this summer like old times!
love you all
and remember YOLO
katie ann

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

why not smile?

Hello ya'll. well this is fun isn't it? 
before i start on my shhpeel, i hope you enjoyed our christmas card and also i hope none of you are thinking about getting married anytime soon
I titled this "why not smile" because I have been feeling especially grateful lately
Firstly for all of you girls. We seriously have the best friends 
I am grateful that I could call any of you and I know I would have a good friend there to just listen
I don't deserve it.
so... thank you :)
I am secondly grateful for byu....
ya, ya make fun of it all you want but I love it here, I have seriously become a stronger person
I thought it was weird at first to say a prayer at the beginning of each of the classes or be required to take religion, but without noticing it's strengthened my testimony! (not to get all spiritual)
Thirdly, I am grateful but more importantly soooo proud of our guy friends
how lucky are we?
they are not only respectful of all of us girls but they actually care about our feelings
I have taken advantage of that and honestly not even thought about it until late
some have come a long way and others have a little bit of work to do but ultimately, GOOD GUYS
and dont let me forget all of their commitments to serve missions!
so that leads me to my fourth thing that i am grateful for and that is mr. cox
he is doing so well and absolutely loves the DR!
when i talked to him on christmas he is pretty fluent in spanish and it creeped me out! 
He has had five baptisms so far and I hear about a new investigator each week
i look forward to letters and emails each week! 
and has 19 1/2 SHORT months left to go!!! 
i promise to anyone dreading sending a missionary off or still in their first month, it goes fast! 
so why not smile?
smile and be grateful for things that you usually wouldn't be
lets plan a sleep over soon and stay up way too late and get grumpy and eat unhealthy and just talk
love all of you... SO MUCH! 

xoxo, mccally

smile :)

Monday, January 9, 2012


Happy 2012!
Any interesting goals for this year? How about using the blog?
I'm kinda sad.

But I thought I'd start an update!

I moved into the Chi Omega house yesterday, painted the whole room (turquoise of course), and am sleeping here tonight! My roommate is Haley Hutchins and we love our organized adorable room. It's a blast already and I can't wait for this semester!

Matthew has been gone for 12 days and it's been some of the worst days ever.

Allison Driggs is my best friend. She's my favorite person! And I'm currently dating Daniel Driggs until it's been a safe amount of time to start dating Michael.

Chio winter formal we're supposed to ask an actual boy so.... guess I'm not going. Any boys available, lemme know.

I'm taking 16 credit hours of Calc III, Physics, Accounting, Business Scholars... not even hard :s

My license is suspended until January 23rd cause I have three dang tickets. I hate cops. 

I loved seeing MOST of you over the break, and I love everyone! 
Please update me on your lives!

<3 <3 <3 <3 always
Baby G

Sunday, October 30, 2011


Just this Friday we celebrated McCall's birthday with dinner at Nordstrom Cafe and a costume party! I'm so glad these cougars agreed to come to a "Utah" party and meet some of my new friends! I think that we can all agree that we are lucky to all be at different schools, having our own experiences and meeting new friends... but knowing that we will ALWAYS have each other at home! LOVE YOU MCCALL! Hope you had a fabulous 19th Birthday!!

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Taylor Swift!

Taylor Swift is the most amazing person in the whole wide world. I've never been happier in my entire life to see her! An adventurous night with Whit and Alyse. Whit and I bought matching T-shirts, and loved our lives. 
Alyse and I stayed after and cried, gathered confetti, and let this surreal experience set into our memories forever <3
Next concert everyone must reunite so we can all experience LONG LIVE together.

Sunday, October 2, 2011

SO happy all my college ChiOs came to see us spiritual cougars! It was so fun to see you all and I know you are just so grateful for the spiritual high you got from being on campus... oh wait. Maybe there would be a spiritual high if I even participated in the honor code... awkward. Anyways LOVE you all and miss you already! xx

Monday, September 12, 2011


Oh hey. I just set up literally 3 new google profile pages and made 2 new email addresses, but luckily I decided to go with, Email me anytime.... hahahh anywho I stoked I can finally post to this thing and I want more updates! Tell me about your lives and who everyone is SLAYYYYYIN. hahah Love and miss you all and want to plan a trip to USU and BYU asap!!!! peace. love. titans.